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Bicycle Postcards




Atlantic Centre for the Arts, Joan James Harris Theatre, Florida, 2010.


OFFoff art cinema, Ghent, Belgium, 2011

Bicycle Postcards


Bicycles, audio, HD video, found materials, projector, projector screen, speakers.


Bicycle Postcards is a site-specific sculptural sound installation presenting a sound ordinance survey of a chosen city or landscape. Whilst travelling on bicycle, found sounds, objects and materials from the site are collected from both natural and man-made sources. The performance utilizes the bicycles, recorded sounds and found objects to create an audio journey of the surrounding area.


This work was developed and premiered at Atlantic Centre For The Arts in the Joan James Harris Theatre, Florida, 2010. Sounds collected, included industrial sounds (fans, air conditioning units, aeroplanes) and natural sounds (bee hives, insects, sound of the bicycles, sound of people). The second edition presented a sound map of Gent, Belgium.


Stills include a score from the first edition, field recordings from the second edition and an image from the most recent performance at the OFFoff Art Cinema in Gent, Belgium. 


Luke Aaron Clark, Flow Studios

1 Ruelle du Vieux Cimetière

53420 Chailland, France

FR + 33 (0)6 66 91 64 42

UK + 44 (0) 7739 837 206

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